贝博体彩app博物馆提供令人难以置信的食物 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
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在Boudin面包店制作酸面包 信贷:@adrienntennant


Museum restaurants are where creativity and nourishment collide in San Francisco.

San Francisco is full of fascinating museums where inspiration and creativity extend beyond the galleries to the dining experiences. Whether you're searching for soul food that adds meaning or menu ingenuity that captivates, 你会在贝博体彩app的博物馆里有很多值得欣赏的东西.


Boudin’s Museum and Bakery Tour allows visitors to witness history "in the baking." Stroll through a collection of historic and interactive exhibits and observe the bakery in action from the 博物馆的 floor-to-ceiling window walls and glass-walled catwalk. 

Boudin at the Wharf is the flagship location of 14 neighborhood bakery-cafés in California, each offering Boudin classics like their signature clam chowder in a bread bowl. Boudin also sells an assortment of fresh baked breads crafted in the Boudin tradition: the iconic San Francisco sourdough French bread, 欧洲壁炉面包, 收获的面包, 还有甜面包(非酸面包).


的 Academy Café and 的 Terrace at the 加州科学院

的 加州科学院 博物馆内有两个用餐区吗. 的 Academy Café honors the agricultural bounty of California and highlights local, 可持续发展的, 还有时令食材. 在学院碗站制作你自己的健康餐, 去披萨店和烧烤店吃点热的, 或者潜入受欢迎的寿司吧和熟食店.

位于书院西苑, the Terrace Restaurant features seasonal dishes with locally-sourced ingredients, 在美丽的户外环境中服务. Relax with a glass of wine, or try the "Academy beer", made by Magnolia Brewing Company. Explore the innovative and evolving menu while amongst sculptures by 艺术ist Maya Lin. 



从24街的原址搬走, Wise Sons has expanded into the Contemporary Jewish Museum—and the menu keeps downtown locals coming back. 从自制百吉饼到双层烤黑麦面包,你都能找到. 的 smoked pastrami is piled high to keep your belly full while you wander the galleries at CJM. Don't miss the babka or rugelach; when served with coffee or tea, they will keep you smiling and yearning for more Jewish comfort food. Wise Sons Jewish Deli is open for lunch and doesn't require museum admission.



新鲜是德扬博物馆内德扬咖啡馆的原则, where the ingredients are sourced locally and the farming connections are 可持续发展的. Chef Lucas Schoemaker from McCalls Catering directs the establishment and provides a rotating, 应季菜单,将吸引许多口味. 在你徘徊之后 金门公园, you'll appreciate how the relaxed dining area pairs perfectly with the lush, natural scenery. 从早上的小点心到中午的小吃, 德扬咖啡馆以独特的品味提供创意优雅.



位于15号码头, 探索的 SEAGLASS Restaurant combines fresh, local produce with one fine waterfront view. Your experience at SEAGLASS will always be unique due to the ever-changing menu, and each of your visits will further solidify your appreciation for Chef Loretta Keller's approach. 被吹捧为家庭友好型,但又有创意, SEAGLASS will encourage minds of all ages to appreciate nature's bounty and expand the horizons of all that creative comfort food can become. 



Chef Jocelyn Jackson doesn't have a dining area at the Museum of African Diaspora, but her healing approach to food experiences has made her well-known and respected nonetheless. Jocelyn hosts pop-up events in the museum and throughout the community. She founded JUSTUS Kitchen and is the co-founder of People's Kitchen Collective (PKC). Both groups center on the lived experience and liberation of Black and brown people, 用食物, 艺术, 以及社会正义作为变革的手段. 她被评为一颗冉冉升起的新星 贝博体彩app纪事报 并在 , Epicurious, 厨房等等. To plan your museum visit to coincide with one of Jocelyn Jackson's outstanding dining events, 在网站上查看即将到来的演讲.



随着 博物馆的 烹饪合作伙伴,味觉餐饮 & 活动策划部负责运营博物馆咖啡厅, 提供受当地市场启发的季节性美食, 种植者, 和供应商. 的 Café is open to museum visitors and the public during museum hours. 客人可以在室内或室外享受座位, 俯瞰普雷西迪奥主要阅兵场的草坪. 



亚洲艺术博物馆 has p艺术nered with fast-casual chain Asian Box to provide food in its cafes. Guests can enjoy delicious Vietnamese fare in the Connie and Bob Lurie Cafe on the first floor and the Sun Family Art Terrace Cafe on the second floor. Asian Box is a Bay Area-based and Asian-American- and woman-co-owned restaurant. 整个菜单也是100%无麸质和本地采购. 



以格蕾丝·麦肯·莫利的名字命名, SFMOMA的 有远见的创始人, grace restaurant is meant to be a gathering space for the San Francisco community. It serves delicious French American fare and cocktails in a relaxed, beautifully designed space. 此外,墙上还有精美的艺术品,可以在用餐时欣赏. 


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