


Just beyond the steel bridge of the Golden Gate 贝博体彩app的维多利亚时代有554英亩的土地受到保护,未被破坏 Sequoia sempervirens, otherwise known as coastal redwoods. 这些树的树龄从400到800年不等,可以长到250英尺高, which can make for a spectacular Instagram photo or two. Whether you are an adventure-seeker, an avid photographer or you want to just do what comes naturally, Muir Woods is the perfect addition to your San Francisco trip. 无论这是你第一次还是第五次来这里,它都会给你留下深刻的印象.

How to Get to Muir Woods National Monument

Beginning in early 2018, 国家公园管理局在穆尔森林国家纪念碑设立了停车和班车预订系统. 所有车辆及穿梭乘客均须预约,以提升游客体验及确保公园资源得到保护. We advise visitors to plan carefully and plan early. For more information about the new system, visit GoMuirWoods.com.


Named after John Muir, the famous naturalist who founded the Sierra Club, 缪尔森林国家纪念碑是“在世界上所有森林中可能找到的最好的树木爱好者纪念碑”(根据缪尔自己的说法)。. 最初由威廉和伊丽莎白·肯特夫妇购买,以保护其自然美景, 1908年,西奥多·罗斯福总统保护了这片森林. Today, Muir Woods National Monument is home to several tree species, 这里有50多种鸟类,也是一些濒危物种重要的产卵和饲养栖息地, including coho or silver salmon.

Redwood forest hiking trail

Things to Do


Hiking trails vary in the level of difficulty and distance. 无论如何,你一定会看到美丽的景色,置身于百年古树之中. Here are a few trails:

  • 主步道(2英里)——最受欢迎的步道是沿着一条小溪沿着红木丛生的峡谷.
  • The Sun Trail (4.7 miles) - Offering a little more variety than the Main Trail, the Sun Trail leads to the Tourist Club, 这是一座小木屋风格的建筑,兼作啤酒花园,可以欣赏到下面红木覆盖的山谷的美景. 
  • The Ben Johnson Trail (5.2 miles) - A loop perfect for an all-day hike.



Big Bus Tours
大巴士是世界上最大的私营敞篷观光公司. In addition to classic city tours, 大巴士提供方便和无障碍旅游的标志性景点缪尔森林和恶魔岛.

Extranomical Tours
外部性旅游是一家观光公司,带领游客前往贝博体彩app和海湾地区最受欢迎的旅游目的地, 以及一些不太知名但同样令人兴奋的地方,大多数人都没有机会看到, including Muir Woods National Monument and Sausalito.

Gray Line of San Francisco
贝博体彩appGray Line公司提供缪尔森林和索萨利托旅游. 

Incredible Adventures
不可思议的冒险提供活动为基础的旅游到各种目的地,如约塞米蒂, wine country and white water rafting.

Tower Tours
20多年来,贝博体彩app塔旅游公司一直是最受欢迎的观光旅游公司. 他们以美丽的贝博体彩app和周边地区景点为特色,包括缪尔森林和索萨利托.

And More

The Tourist Club
What's a national monument without a beer garden? Nestled at the end of the Sun Trail, 旅游俱乐部是一个著名的私人俱乐部,为会员提供小吃店和过夜住宿. Although it's private, on "guest weekends" (typically the first weekend of the month), non-members can stop here, buy a beer and relax on the lower deck.

The massive trees and lush forests of Muir Woods.

Cell Phone Service at Muir Woods

If a tree falls in the woods, you'll certainly hear it. But cell phones? Not so much. Service at Muir Woods is incredibly limited; not just within the protected grounds, but along much of the winding roads that precede it, as well. 当你已经在路上的时候,不建议你试图预订. And if you were hoping to go live on your hike...well, sometimes it's better to just enjoy the moment.

Maddie Pratt's headshot
Maddie Pratt

Maddie Pratt is the Sr. Associate of Design & Content at San Francisco Travel. 她在附近的马林县长大,离市中心只有一座桥. 在2020年搬到贝博体彩app后,她知道她找到了自己的大本营. 麦迪喜欢在金门公园散步,吃点心,在贝克海滩看日落.

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