Runners dressed in Pac Man costumes for 从海湾到破浪 Race SF

Everything You Need to Know About 从海湾到破浪

从海湾到破浪' historic race is here to stay! The 2024 从海湾到破浪 will take place on Sunday, May 19, 2024.

海湾到断路器是贝博体彩app唯一的自由竞走,适合那些想要玩得开心的人, 有点古怪, and run (or walk) across town. 它以节日的派对气氛而闻名,是世界上最古老的步道之一. Starting at The Embarcadero (the "bay" side of the city), 跑步者穿过贝博体彩app的山丘到达城市的西部, ending at the "breakers" of 海洋海滩. Held on the third Sunday in May, 从海湾到破浪将严肃的参赛者和盛装打扮的参与者结合在一起, plus thousands of spectators lining the route. (Sometimes, watching is the best part!)


Of all of 贝博体彩app’s unique traditions, none captivates the entire city the way 从海湾到破浪 does. It’s an annual testament to the creativity, 社区, and resilience that make our city such a popular destination. A time-honored 贝博体彩app tradition, 从海湾到破浪, 是一个人们从四面八方来到这个城市参加的传统吗. 

It also has a rich history. 这里有一些关于海湾到破坏者的事实,你可以在今年的课程中分享, 无论你是在心碎山(Heartbreak Hill)上奔跑,还是在大公路(Great Highway)的终点欢呼.

  • 比赛开始于1912年. 它的目的是提振这座仍在从1906年地震的余波中恢复过来的城市的精神,并为1915年巴拿马太平洋国际博览会(Panama-Pacific International Exposition)营造气氛. 从海湾到破浪 continued well beyond those original goals, 现在被公认为是世界上最长的连续跑步比赛.
  • It also held the world record for largest footrace for 24 years. The 1986 从海湾到破浪 had 110,000 participants. That’s more than twice the capacity of Oracle Park!
  • 这是每个人的比赛. 你不一定要成为奥运会运动员才能在海湾到Breakers跑步(尽管很多人都是)!). 这场比赛,就像贝博体彩app本身一样,一直向所有人开放. 所有年龄、能力和国籍的参与者每年都参加.
  • It’s a showcase of creativity. 对于从海湾到破浪来说,这不仅仅是你何时越过终点线的问题. It’s also about what you’re wearing when you do. 每一年,参与者都试图通过制作真正令人惊讶的服装来超越其他人.
  • 小心蜈蚣. We don’t mean the kind you might find in your backyard. 在《贝博体彩》中,蜈蚣是一群跑步者作为一个单位进行比赛. The idea first caught on in the late 1970s, 从海湾到破浪岛现在是世界蜈蚣跑步锦标赛的官方举办地.
  • The Mardi Gras of the West. 成千上万的运动员参加比赛,爱好娱乐的人们涌上街头,他们穿着各种各样的服装,从奇装异服到生日装,为海湾到破坏者赢得了西方狂欢节的美誉.

How to Prepare for 从海湾到破浪

Whether you’re running up Heartbreak Hill, cheering from the sidelines, or watching with your neighbors, 这里有一些建议给跑步者和狂欢者,帮助你准备和享受乐趣.

  1. 不要穿得太暖和. It may be a little chilly in the morning, 但, 相信我们, 随着上午气温开始上升,成千上万的人走上街头,这意味着你一整天都得带着夹克.
  2. 准备好裸体吧. 你甚至可能就是这样的人,但要准备好看到那些穿着生日礼服的人.
  3. 保持水分. 在这样的日子里,水是你的朋友,尤其是如果你打算喝酒的话.
  4. 调整自己的步伐. 这可能是一个漫长的早晨. Take your time to enjoy the full event.
  5. 穿戏服. 贝博体彩app 喜欢打扮. Join the fun and come prepared.
  6. 运输. Cabs will be difficult to find and 公共交通 will be packed after the race. 提前计划.
  7. 产生的缺陷. There are a slew of open house parties, 乐队, 食品摊贩, and other random happenings along the way. 不要害羞. 停下来好好享受.
  8. 尊重. It may be difficult to find a bathroom. You may bump into a police officer on a horse. You may really want to read the tattoo on that naked guy. Please, remain courteous and respectful throughout the event.
  9. 玩得尽兴. 去野外. 玩得开心. 享受你自己. 

Sign up and Receive Your Bib Before the Race

To participate in the race, you’ll have to 注册 事先. 一旦你注册了,你会在比赛前一周收到你的比赛号码布. 2024年的比赛将会有一个博览会,所以参赛者可以在比赛前亲自领取他们的比赛包, 如果他们选择. 

Create or Buy a Creative Costume

What makes 从海湾到破浪 a uniquely 贝博体彩app experience? 成千上万的跑步者与家人、周末跑步者和穿着戏服的步行者一起参加. 你会看到传统的服装,从你最喜欢的漫画英雄到非常规的服装, like salmon running “upstream.”


跑步很有趣,但前一周的准备工作也很有趣. Many people think it’s best to carb up the night before. 营养学家实际上建议最好一周后开始摄入碳水化合物. 在贝博体彩app,你的 就餐选择 是无限的.


巴特 will open approximately two hours early (6 a.m. 而不是8a.m. (如平日星期日). Even with the early opening, give yourself a 30-minute cushion. From 贝博体彩app: Take Muni or 巴特 to the Embarcadero Station. From the 东湾/Berkeley: Take 巴特 to Embarcadero Station.


从海湾到破浪 starts at the bay and ends at the breakers. 在这中间,你可以看到许多小山和色彩缤纷的风景. 确保你准备好了去那些臭名昭著的山,比如海斯街山和穿越 金门公园

Where to Cheer On Runners During 从海湾到破浪

从海湾到破碎机是整个贝博体彩app市都参加的比赛, even if people aren’t running. Here are the best places to watch 从海湾到破浪.

Hayes Street Hill (Hayes Street, from Gough to Steiner Street)

臭名昭著的海斯街山对跑步者来说很危险,但却是一个为他们加油的好地方. 这座山从2英里处开始,大约有2 / 3英里长. 沿着陡峭的山路, you’ll hear plenty of music from house 乐队 and DJs spinning records, which will allow you to show off your sweet dance moves.


在金门公园入口的正前方,坐落着一条狭窄的绿地,上面有自行车道和野餐区,因其形状而被称为狭长地带. As runners make their way through, 潘汉德尔是一个很棒的地方,你可以在一旁披着毯子,边看边咬.

海洋海滩 (The Finish Line)

当选手越过终点线时,太平洋的美景一览无遗, 他们将, 毫无疑问, hear the loudest cheers of all. 当最后一群畜栏越过终点线时,请留下来观看现场乐队表演和终点线节的庆祝活动. 

Woman in 但terfly costume running 从海湾到破浪 race

Run 从海湾到破浪 in 2024

2024年从海湾到断路器将于5月19日星期日在贝博体彩app举行. 报名现已开放! Come join this incredible 贝博体彩app tradition.



Carol是一名数字营销人员,为全球观众创造了丰富的旅游内容, 贝博体彩app and the Bay Area, 食物 & drink, outdoor experiences, and cross-cultural storytelling. 她的作品发表于《贝博体彩》和《贝博体彩app》(天际线学院). 在旅行写作之前, 她的专业背景包括在国际商业领域工作, 非营利组织, 和政府. 她和家人住在贝博体彩app,经常去她所在城市的公园游玩, especially untamed McLaren Park.

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