Guide to 贝博体彩app的艺术殿堂 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
Exterior of the Palace of Fine 艺术, with its lake and water fountain.
The Palace of Fine 艺术 was originally built as part of the 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition.


The Palace of Fine 艺术 is one of San Francisco's architectural landmarks. Here's why you should see it on your next visit.

It's a reminder of San Francisco's past, 是这座城市创新精神的象征, and one of the most dramatic backdrops for your Instagram feed. It's the Palace of Fine 艺术, and it's an absolute must-see for anyone visiting San Francisco.


The Palace of Fine 艺术 is located on Baker Street in the 玛丽娜,就在东部边缘的 要塞. 在…以西2.5英里处 渔人码头 西北三英里处 联合广场. You can reach the Palace of Fine 艺术 via Muni by riding bus lines 22, 28, 30, 41, 43 or 45. 它从早上6点开始营业.m. 到晚上9点.m. 每天.

The Palace dominates a small neighborhood park that features lawns to picnic on and a tranquil lagoon populated with fish, 鸟和海龟. The Palace is the only remaining structure from 1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition, a historic World's Fair-style event that put San Francisco back on the map as a major global city after the devastation of the 1906 earthquake and fire.


Its Greek-style colonnades and soaring central rotunda make it one of the most singular and recognizable features of San Francisco's northern skyline. Up close, the scale of the structure is truly breathtaking. Don't be surprised if you find yourself having to carefully avoid appearing in the background of more than one happy couple's wedding photos when you visit.


来自美术宫, 这是一个快速的, half-mile walk to Chestnut Street and Union Street, 两条街道两旁都是商店, 餐馆和酒吧 深受周边居民喜爱. You could also continue west into the 要塞, or walk east along the waterfront and gaze upon 阿尔卡特拉斯岛 和 金门大桥 在你去的路上 梅森堡

Close-up view of the Palace of Fine 艺术 looking up.


The entire 玛丽娜 neighborhood might never have existed if it weren't for the Panama-Pacific International Exposition. Urban engineers created the 635-acre site from the mud flats at the bay's edge.

To make it easier for people to attend the Exposition, stairs were carved into the steep sidewalks of nearby 菲尔莫 Street.

The Palace of Fine 艺术 has been a set piece for several films, from 1958's 视图 2004年的 扭曲的. It has also been said that the Palace was George Lucas's inspiration for the design of Queen Amidala's royal residence in Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace.


Dan is the Vice President, Global Marketing, at San Francisco Travel. San Francisco has been his home for over a decade (that makes him a local, right?). 在周末, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, 一个有良好共鸣的播放列表, 越来越多的书要读, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.

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