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Illuminate SF

拥有豪华酒店和鼓舞人心的博物馆, SoMa还包含了贝博体彩app规模最大、最具野心的一些灯光艺术.


Daniel Libeskind, 2008



36 diamond-shaped windows light the top floor of the metal cube known as the “Yud” in the Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM). Once inside, visitors see how the soaring walls and windows carve the space with sunlight. 博物馆对传统与创新关系的看法, legacy and invention, 完美地体现在“Yud”和建筑本身, 这是由建筑师Daniel Libeskind领导的工作室最有趣的设计之一. Inspired by the phrase “L’Chaim,” meaning “To Life,里伯斯金让拼写“chai”的希伯来字母,“chet”和“yud”指导着建筑的形式.

最佳观景:俯瞰芳草地巷的形状是“Yud”.” After dark, stand in the museum's entrance plaza to take in the dramatic light emanating from the diamond-shaped windows. 在博物馆开放时间内,需付费方可进入博物馆内部.



PaRdes Wall

Daniel Libeskind, 2008



PaRDeS is a light installation embedded in the wall of the Grand Lobby at the Contemporary Jewish Museum (CJM). Its stylized Hebrew letters translate as “orchard;” the connotation is that the orchard can be found on the other side of the wall. Metaphorically, the sweetness—or fruit—of learning and art can be found inside the museum.

Best Viewing: PaRDes 可以在博物馆开放时间内进入大堂观看.


PaRdes Wall

Lamp of the Covenant

Dave Lane, 2015



Lamp of the Covenant 是一个巨大的90英尺长的雕塑,重达12000磅吗. 当代犹太博物馆(CJM)委托的第一件重要艺术品, Dave Lane's monumental work is suspended high over the heads of visitors in the museum’s soaring lobby space. The artwork’s enormous steel oval is comprised of antique found objects: world globes, light bulbs, 工具,比如19世纪的苹果削皮器和吹灯, 以及其他各种各样的材料,这些材料表明了宇宙正在展开的奇迹. “Lamp of the Covenant” refers to the lamp that always hangs over the altar in the synagogue, a light that represents divine presence in the room; the covenant is the relationship between Judaism and God. By naming his work Lamp of the Covenant, the artist offers a tangible, 这是人类奇迹出现的标志, as it penetrates our mundane reality, utilizing the lamp as a sign of wonder; and the spiritual, 在我们追求日常生活的时候,这总是在我们的头顶上.

Best Viewing: Lamp of the Covenant 在博物馆开放时间可以在大厅上方看到吗.

Lamp of the Covenant

Peace in the Middle East

Taravat Talepasand, 2022



Taravat Talepasand's “Peace in the Middle East” has returned as a permanent installation in YBCA's Grand Lobby. Hung from the ceiling, this intricate neon artwork, featuring the word "peace" in Farsi, explores the cultural taboos that reflect on gender and political authority through Talepasand's lens as an Iranian-American woman.

Best Viewing: Step inside any time that the YBCA is open (Thursday - Sunday, Noon - 6 p.m.)


Peace in the Middle East

"Monument" for V. Tatlin

Dan Flavin, 1969


SFMOMA, 151 Third Street

Few artists can boast having explored a single medium—and an unusual one at that—as tenaciously and consistently as Dan Flavin with his signature fluorescent light tubes. His “"monument" for V. Tatlin” at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) is one of 39 "monuments" to Vladimir Tatlin (1885 - 1953) created between 1964 and 1990, because the Russian artist's ambitious but unrealized project to unite art and technology was of particular interest to Flavin. This stepped arrangement of cool, white, 荧光灯是他众多“光”命题之一," made up of standardized, commercially available materials much like the readymades by Marcel Duchamp that he admired.

Best Viewing: SFMOMA, Floor 5, “Pop, Minimal, and Figurative Arts: The Fisher Collection”.



Dan Flavin, 1987


SFMOMA, 151 Third Street

The color and glow that emanates from “untitled (in honor of Leo at the 30th anniversary of his gallery)” at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA) confirms that light artist Dan Flavin was a master at transforming spaces and creating rich environments with minimal materials. 这件作品展示了Flavin几乎所有的彩色灯, with ten eight-foot elements in red, pink, yellow, blue, and green. 灯光创造了一种旺盛而身临其境的敬意,向无与伦比的Leo Castelli致敬, 这位艺术品经销商支持弗莱文的作品近30年.

Best Viewing: SFMOMA, Floor 5, “Pop, Minimal, and Figurative Arts: The Fisher Collection.”


Life Death/Knows Doesn’t Know

Bruce Nauman,

SFMOMA, 151 Third Street

布鲁斯·瑙曼在1966年制作了他的第一个霓虹灯浮雕墙, 是什么开启了他作为光艺术家的职业生涯. His pieces are oftem relatively unorthodox, and engage the complexity and absurdity of language by using bright lights that appear at first glance to be bright and festive. Throughout his career, 瑙曼避免采用一种可识别的、有特色的风格, 并致力于揭示意义的多样性.


Life Death

San Francisco at Night: Model Art Map

Lisa Gemmiti, 2011


W SF Hotel Lobby, 181 Third Street

Architects for the interior of the W Hotel designed the modern lobby with a San Francisco theme, 他们需要一件雕塑作品来代表这座城市的夜晚. Using photographs as inspiration, Lisa Gemmiti and her team sculpted “San Francisco at Night: Model Art Map” with precision and artistic license. The topography was machined with a 2.5倍垂直夸张,强调等级的变化. 2,000 LEDs in four colors were installed on four circuits in order to set the intensity of each circuit in place. A little fun was added by using red LEDs to represent points of interest in San Francisco, 还有一个紫色的LED灯,上面写着W酒店.

Best Viewing: Walk in the Howard Street entrance to view this piece behind the illuminated check-in desks. 它是按图案安装在墙上的, 穿孔板代表着贝博体彩app著名的雾.

Model Art Map


MADLAB, 2013


W SF Hotel Lobby, 181 Third Street

“Lumina” is a vibrant, otherworldly light sculpture, 发光体一种使人联想到生物发光水母的有光泽的团块, cosmic star clouds, and the brain’s neural networks. The sculpture emanates a sense of mystery as its translucent fiberglass and fiber optic strands draw hotel guests to its vivid core. The 27-foot sculpture is handcast in clear surfboard resin and body glitter to achieve a luminous sheen. Its large sheaths seam together to create a 15-foot-wide chamber in which more than 7,000 fiber optic strands were threaded and hand knotted before cascading the full length of the sculpture’s interior. (使用了长达22英里的光纤. 这足以横跨金门大桥13次!)

Best Viewing: Look up once inside the hotel’s three-story entrance at the corner of Third and Howard Streets.


Point Cloud

Leo Villarreal, 2019


The Moscone Center, 747 Howard St.

This 100-foot pedestrian bridge towering over Howard Street connects the two sides of The Moscone Center with a seemingly infinite array of lights. “Point Cloud” 是由悬挂在桥顶的858根钢棒组成的吗. Each of the 28,288 LED bulbs are individually programmed, 每秒变换30次,变成深浅不一的蓝色, yellow, orange, pink, and lavender. 步行过桥,体验这个完全沉浸式的装置, 或者从远处观察这个视觉杰作.


Point Cloud

White Light

Jenny Holzer, 2018


Salesforce Transit Center, Grand Hall

In the gleaming, Salesforce运输中心阳光明媚的圆形大厅, Jenny Holzer's "White Light" inspires commuters and visitors with its words of wisdom. The 182-foot-long LED screen displays the words of more than 40 writers for varying amounts of time. Some are fleeting, 45 second appearances. Others linger for up to two hours.

Best Viewing: "White Light" is completely enclosed within the Salesforce Transit Center, meaning you can view it rain or shine, day or night.


White Light

Day for Night

Jim Campbell, 2018


415 Mission St.

At the top of the Salesforce Tower, 密西西比河以西最高的建筑, you'll find "Day for Night,这是吉姆·坎贝尔(Jim Campbell)设计的一个巨大而多功能的灯光艺术装置. 塔顶已被11层包裹起来,000 lights and video screens that allow daily scenes of city life to be displayed all night long.

最佳观景:被誉为全国最高的公共艺术装置, 在贝博体彩app几乎任何地方都能看到《贝博体彩》.


Day for Night
贝博体彩app的Salesforce Park在夜晚灯火辉煌.

Take BART to See Illuminate SF

With stops at Embarcadero, Montgomery Street, and Powell Street, BART is your quick, convenient way to get to SoMa and start exploring its abundant Illuminate SF installations. 获取有关票价、服务线路等的所有详细信息,以便规划您的行程.

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